Additional Resources and Links





Commercial Devices

Here are some of the commercial products you can buy. I can now add the dropController to the list 🙂


DIY Devices


DIY Camera Trigger Devices


DIY Shutter Release Cables


General Information


Facebook Groups

  • Drops & Splash. A group created for all liquid drop splash photographers around the world.
  • World of Drops. Public group dedicated to water drop photography.
  • Water drop Photography. A private group that is well worth joining.
  • Liquid Art. Public group dedicated to all things liquid art.
  • Drop Photo Techniques. A new group intended as a place to discuss techniques ans settings.
  • dropController. I finally got round to creating a page for the dropController. Early days but I hope to post guides and tips.



  • WaterDropPhotography. a new sub-reddit for water drop photography. I’m feeling a bit lonely so please come join me.



Searching youtube for “water drop photography” will get you lots of hits. Here are some that may be helpful.


Websites and Galleries


If you have a resource or want your website featured please send me a message via the contact form. Please be aware only drop photography related sites will be added.