Windows App: Getting Started

If you haven’t already done so, download the latest Windows app. Go to and scroll down to the Windows Program section. Click the link for the latest version to start the download. The download is a zip file containing a folder.

After downloading, unpack the zip archive and place the folder somewhere convenient. Mine is on the desktop. There is no need to install the program; it is run from the folder.


Open the folder and you should see the actual program


Starting the Windows app for the first time

Plug in the power supply and connect the dropController to your computer via a usb cable. No need to connect valves, camera, or flashes at this time, we are just running through the connection process a first time.

The yellow LED on the controller should be blinking. This indicates the controller is on but not connected to the app.

If you do not have the correct drivers installed on your computer jump to installing drivers guide

Open the folder containing the dropController program and double click the dropController.exe file. The program will start and you should see the main Drop Data screen.

When the Windows app runs for the first time it creates 2 text files; dropData.txt and settings.txt, these files hold the app settings and drop data. Next time the program is run it will load the settings from the previous session. If there are no setting files new ones will be created.


Connect the Windows App to the dropController

In the app, jump to the Settings tab.

At the top left you can see the connection controls.

Click the R button to refresh the COM port list,

then, in the drop down menu select the COM port the dropController is connected to. In my case it is on COM 15. Yours may be different.

click Connect

After the app connects the Connect button will say Dis-connect. Clicking the Dis-connect button closes the connection.

If the app cannot connect it will give you an error message. Check the COM port and try again.

If you go back to the Drops tab, the large START button should now be green which means it is active.

And on the dropController, the yellow LED should now be fully on (no longer blinking).

You are now connected.