

Many of the improvements and functions in the apps come from people suggesting changes and I am always interested in receiving feed back and ideas. If you have a suggestion or find a problem please let me know through the the contact form.


Update the firmware through Settings => Update. See dropControllerV4: Updating The Firmware for details.


Firmware: DC4_0621R
Firmware: DC4_0620R
Firmware: DC4_0610R
Firmware: DC4_0606
Firmware: DC4_0605


– added Loop Page SPACE to STOP
– delta buttons no longer turn grey when off
– upload function more robust
– Added Load/save drop data function in the Settings Page
– Added keyboard short cuts. See the shortcuts page
– bug fix: Fixed an issue with the camera trigger times when using SYNC mode
– added valve drain time out
– bug fix: shutter trigger time using BULB and large offset time
– More details about the valve drain time out here

dropControllerV4 mkII

Firmware for dropControllerV4 mkII 8 Valve and dropControllerV4 mkII 16 Valve versions.
Firmware: DC4mkII_027R
Firmware: DC4mkII_025R
Firmware: DC4mkII_016R


– added Loop Page SPACE to STOP
– delta buttons no longer turn grey when off
– upload function more robust
– Added Load/save drop data function in the Settings Page
– Added keyboard short cuts. See the shortcuts page
– Fixed an issue with the camera trigger pulse duration when using SYNC mode and large offset times
– Added AUX Trigger SYNC. SYNCS the AUX Trigger to the Camera shutter. Used for connecting two cameras at the same time.
– Initial release.


dropControllerV3 firmware / Arduino files

Download dropControllerV3_2022_001. Requires the Arduino IDE to install.

dropControllerV3 Android App

The Android app version 2021-001 is available on the Play Store here.


– New controls to turn individual drops on and off
– New shutter sync mode
– Better compatibility with smaller screens
– New style graph with clearer display of drop times

dropControllerV3 Android App 2023

Android app version 2023-001 is only available here at the moment (not on the Play Store) and will need to be side loaded on to an Android device. The download is a zip file containing the apk file.

Download dropControllerV3 Android app version 2023-001


Version 2023_001
– Fixed a very obscure bug that never effected anything.
Version 2022_001
– Turn delta values off/on. No more setting the delta value to zero.
– Loop Mode COPY*.
– Hide/show FT2 and FT3
– New shutter SYNC mode. Syncs the shutter trigger to the Flash Trigger 1 time
– Simpler BULB mode
– Removed Mirror Lockup function
– New style graph with clearer display of drop times
– Tidied up the valve drain code. No more annoying error messages saying Bluetooth is turned off.
– Fixed an issue with missing drops when drop 1 is turned off.

*Loop Mode COPY is used to copy the current drop settings to the main screen.
Like the 5th drop from the sequence, copy it to the main Drop Data screen.

dropControllerV3 Android App Source File

The dropControllerV3 Android app was created in MIT’s App inventor.
Download the source file/blocks. The download is a zip file containing the aia file.

dropControllerV3 Windows Program

The Windows program does not need to be installed and is run directly from a folder. It requires the .net framework, minimum version 4.0, available at Microsoft .net 4.0 download page and will run on Windows XP SP2 and above.

The program is not signed and you may receive a security warning on the first run.

dropControllerV3 Windows App version 2023.1.1.4
dropControllerV3 Windows App version 2021.1.1.3


Version 2021.1.1.3
– Minor update to make the code more efficient.
Version 2021.1.1.3
– Bug fix: Valves not turning off when leaving the Settings page or the app closing.
Version 2021.1.1.2
– Turn individual drops on and off
– Turn delta values off/on. No more setting the delta value to zero.
– Loop Mode COPY*.
– New shutter SYNC mode. Syncs the shutter trigger to the Flash Trigger 1 time
– Simpler BULB mode
– New style graph with clearer display of drop times
– Fixed an issue with missing drops when drops are turned off.
– Fixed an issue with the COM port list not resetting.

*Loop Mode COPY is used to copy the current drop settings to the main screen.
Like the 5th drop from the sequence, copy it to the main Drop Data screen.

dropControllerV3 Windows Program Source Files

The dropControllerV3 windows apps is written in The files can be edited using Microsoft’s Visual Studio. A free version (Visual Studio Community) is available for students, open-source contributors, and individuals.

Download dropController_WinApp-source-files_2023. –


All rights reserved.

dropControllerV3 is source available rather that fully open source. You are free to change the code and designs in anyway you like for your own personal use but please do not copy and sell.

Source code is not available for dropControllerV4 at this time.