Because the Arduino Nano uses a standard USB to EART converter chip when it is connected to a computer the computer is connecting to the converter chip and uses the ID and name from the chip. This means the connection does not show a name such as “Arduino” or “Nano”
There are a couple if ways to find the COM port.
1 – use the dropController app
2 – use Windows device manager
dropController app
do not connect the dropController to the computer
start the app
go to the settings page
click the refresh button
open the COM port drop down menu and note what COM port options you have.
Now plug is the dropController.
Wait for the beep-bop
go to the settings page
click the refresh button
open the COM port drop down menu and find the new COM port.
Windows device manager
The easiest way to use the Windows device manager is to use a similar technique as using the dropController app.
Open Windows device manager, list the available COM ports and connections.
Connect the dropController
Relist the available COM ports and connections and find the new one.