Shipping Cost Guide

I try to keep the guide actuate but the below prices are to be used as a guide only and are not the final price. The actual shipping cost will be shown in the quote.

All goods are shipped from Hong Kong. Depending on the order weight and parcel size different services may be used. Where-ever possible I will select the cheapest reliable service.

The below is not a full list of countries I ship to, just a selection to give you an idea. If your country is not in the list please contact me and I will give you the price.


Country Currency 1KG 2KG 3KG 4KG 5KG
Australia HK$ 175.00 300.00 500.00 580.00 680.00
Canada US$ 1KG 2KG 3KG 4KG 5KG
Denmark Euro 31,00 57,00 85,00 103,00 118,00
France Euro 20,00 33,00 65,00 74,00 82,00
Germany Euro 28,50 55,00 71,00 82,00 99,00
Japan HK$ 90.00 150.00 340.00 375.00 400.00
Netherlands Euro 24,00 41,00 71,00 86,50 102,00
New Zealand HK$ 250.00 390.00 560.00 710.00 870.00
United Kingdom GBP 22.00 37.50 51,00 60.00 70.50
United States US$ 28.50 48.00 84.50 102.00 120.00